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GH Profile Resume Contact GH 3D Skyline 😉 Credits

Some of my personal projects

MarsInfo App

Mars Map Mars Model Earth Map
An application that provides a lot of information about Mars.
Link to the application
Link to the repository

The are five pages.
The first page as Home is NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day. You can see daily picture provided by NASA APis by selecting a date or random date.
The second page as Mars Weather. The are two maps. Each map has 3 layers you can choose. Earth map with your location and your local weather conditions. When you click on the blue point on the first map you'll see a popup with another information such as exchange rates for your local currency and Covid situation in your country, your IP address and coordinates. Second map: Mars map with Nasa's operational Mars lander and rovers locations (three devices as Feb, 2022). When you click on the icon, you will see information about the lander or rover. At the bottom of the page is a graph showing Martian weather conditions over the past seven days. All data about Mars are provided by NASA APis.
The third page as Mars 3D. There is a 3D model of Mars generated by CesiumJS. You can choose one of two layers. On the Mars model there are three Nasa's operational devices (as Feb, 2022). When you click on the icon you will see information about the lander or one of two rovers.
The fourth page as Mars Pictures. There is an accordion with two tabs. The first tab show pictures from Mars taken by Curiosity Mars Rover (operational). The second one shows pictures taken by inactive rovers on Mars: Opportunity and Spirit. Pictures are provided by NASA APis. You can watch the pictures in a lightbox.
The fifth page as Nasa 3D Model. This is 3D animation showing Mars based on Three.js library and Nasa's 3D .glb Model of Mars.

More information is provided in README.md.

Live ISS Tracker (3D)

An application that provides a lot of live information about the ISS.
Link to the application
Link to the repository

The application gets ISS data from the web API. The large OSM/ Leaflet map shows the current movement parameters (like speed, altitude, position, etc.). The positions of the ISS and sun icons are real and updated every 1s. The ISS visibility circles are generated on an ongoing basis: over the horizon and 20 degrees above the horizon. Below is an accordion. The first tab is the ISS dynamic height plot - actual data (CanvasJS library used). The second tab is the dynamic table of ISS values ​​(last 5 seconds). The third tab shows the visible ISS transitions at a given location, at least 20 degrees above the horizon for the next 72 hours. The fourth tab displays TLE of ISS. Below is the ISS 3D path around the Earth (CesiumJS library used) and actual data such as sunrise / sunset, moonrise / moonset.

ISS Tracker - 3D ISS path

MERN Stack App with Stripe and SendGrid

MERN App with Stripe and SendGrid
A MERN Stack App with Stripe and Sendgrid. Payments are in test mode.
Link to the application: Coming soon...
Link to the repository

There are two inputs: the first input - for the amount, and the second one - for greetings. After clicking the Submit button - the Stripe component is launched - for online card payments. The email is then sent automatically by SendGrid (to the email address you provided during payment) and the information is then stored in MongoDB Atlas Database. You can see all the greetings by clicking on the list. The user interface is bilingual: Polish and English. Translations are handled by i18next. Payments are in test mode - instructions on the site.

Express EJS Card Validator

Credit cards number validator build with Typescript, Express.js and EJS.
Link to the application: Coming soon...
Link to the repository

The app uses Luhn algorithm, prefixes and number length to validate credit cards.

Card Validator

PERN Stack App

PERN Stack App - Add new Todo PERN Stack App - User's Dashboard
A PERN Stack App (Auth + Todo List).
Link to the application: Coming soon...
Link to the repository

This is a CRUD App. You can log in, log out, register and delete account (this will remove all todos - ON DELETE CASCADE Constraint) is used. When you are logged in you can add, update, delete your tasks and read your tasks and those of other users if they are not private. Automatic logout is after 10 minutes of inactivity. There are axios interceptors to refresh the access token.

Random Color Generator

This is a random color generator and color modifier. Bootstrap material was used to build the application.
Link to the application
Link to the repository

The application generates one of 16.777 million colors and queries https://www.thecolorapi.com for the nearest HTML color with the name. Then you can change the color with the RGB sliders. The color changes continuously and is displayed in grayscale next to it. The grayscale can be changed using the HSL sliders. All values are converted on an ongoing basis: #HEX, RGB, HSL and CMYK. There are generated on an ongoing basis RGB, CMYK charts, Hue circle and Saturation and Lightness charts. More information is provided in the repository.

Random Color Generator

Truly Random Password Generator

Truly Random Password Generator
Truly Random Password generator: generates passwords based on truly random strings (the randomness comes from atmospheric noise).
Link to the application
Link to the repository

The application gets a string of true random characters from https://www.random.org. Later, you can choose a random password length (between min and max - this is a pseudo-random number) or set the password length. Then you can adjust the password settings: small / large letters, numbers and signs. After that you select a shuffle method: Fisher-Yates or Sattolo cycle to generate a password that you can copy to the clipboard.


Database (Firestore) application built with SDK of Firestore and LESS.
Link to the application
Link to the repository

Firestore database application - after creating an account, you can log in and add / read an article. Less to CSS compilation takes place in the browser. Responsiveness is not done yet.


Professional projects will be soon...


W3 CSS framework was used as the layout template and to build the UI elements.

RandomColor.js was used to generate random colors.

The icons were taken form Flaticon.com.

@google/model-viewer was used to render the GH 3D Skyline model.

GitHub Skyline was used to generate the GH 3D Skyline model.

The portfolio repo is here.

The views counter is taken from here.


E-mail: michalra@op.pl


penguin Tux

Michal Radomski

Full Stack JS/TS Developer

About Me

By profession, a civil engineer retrained as a Full Stack JS Developer - according to my interests.
On 03.2020 I started learning Linux and the basics programming at kodologia.pl.
In 01.2021 I joined the Frontend Bootcamp with React at InfoShare Academy. After that, I did many courses on Udemy.com.
I like traveling, Ubuntu, Raspberry-Pi and Astronomy. I treat programming as my hobby.

Professional Skills

  • Linux: Apache, Samba, Crontab, Grub, Fstab, SSH, FTP, Gimp, Bash
  • Frontend: React + Redux, JS/TS, CSS3/SASS, HTML5, Math, i18next, Ionic/Capacitor, Turf.js
  • Backend: Node.JS, Express.js, MongoDB, SSR, Postman, SendGrid, Stripe, EJS, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Libraries: jQuery, Bootstrap, Leaflet, CanvasJS, Jest, Chart.js, OpenLayers, Gulp, Webpack, Next.js
  • Other skills: Git, Jira, SCRUM, VirtualBox, NAS, XML/SVG, BEM, REST, OAuth, GraphQL, Docker

GH 3D Skyline Models: 2021 - 2024 😉